Cliff Richard

As it was I was a Cliff Fan. Cliff Richard is a British singer who sang with "The Shadows". He also made a few movies. We went to the movies day after day to watch the same movie (Hey, I did the same when "The Parents Trap" came out, guess why). I was lucky to see Cliff in Jerusalem when he was on tour (1961 I think it was), but when I came back home at 11:30pm the door was locked, and I had a long lecture from my father before he allowed me to go to sleep.
But you know what was the best part of this music? In love or heart broken, you could always sing these songs to a loved one without the worry you might offend them, or listen to it and know it was written for you personally (not to mention that you could understand the words :-).
I've been both, and many of you were/are too. Here are a few of Cliff's songs, and some of the other songs that meant something back then (iwave format). (Sorry for the scatchy quality, the albums are almost as old as I am)

So I've Been Told.
Blueberry Hill.
Please Don't Tease Me.
A Girl Like You.
When The Girl In Your Arms.
Move It.
Voice In The Wilderness.
The Young Ones.
Theme For a Dream.

Other Cliff Richard links: Cliff page | Leo's Den

Enrico Macias

Enrico Macias, Oh Guitar.
Enrico Macias, L'oriontal
Enrico Macias, Children of The World
Enrico Macias, My Best Friend's Wife

Helen Shapiro

Helen Shapiro, You Don't Know.

Helen Shapiro, Walking Back To Happiness.
