Them were some Years !!!

Memories from the Old City of Jerusalem (1971 - 1973)

In a 2000 year old apartment, over looking the Old City of Jerusalem, lived a group of guys. A few Arabs, an Israeli Jew, and an Italian artist (I am not counting all the extended visitors we had, who stayed a few days or a few weeks). I don't mind saying that them years were probably the best, most beautiful, full of life and culture, eye opening years of my younger life. The discovery that my "so called" enemies, whom I was living among now, are not any different than my immediate family. I lived in the city when no one stabbed anyone, no one shot anyone, and all respected each other. I always said that if the peace talks took place back then, we would have had none of the senseless killing that took place between then and now. But... Better late than never !

My family and friends, Sohail, Makram, George, Nayef, Samih, Sergio, Yousef, Marlen, Boushra, Kupers, Jerry, Shafik, Doobie, E'ven, Morris, Yohaness, Sharon, Hagob, Jaquie, Bob, Carol, Gordi, Silvie, Uncle Moustach, our neigbours on Aqabat E'sheik Rihan, and all the guys and girls who came and gone.

Thanks for touching my life, this is for US !!

Muhamad Izaby's, Baheeya (MP3)
My favorate part of Baheeya (MP3)

Growing up in Israel, there were two musical camps. The "Cliff" camp and the "Elvis" camp. Here are a few audio samples of Cliff Richard, Enrico Macias and Helen Shapiro.

Growing up in Israel also meant growing up with a lot of tradition. Music played a big part of this tradition.
Here are some samples.
